Social Security Law
Marinho & Wiltshire offers its clients qualified legal advice on social security issues. The team has vast technical knowledge to quickly and effectively solve the needs of our partners, in order to contribute in the best plan, thus ensuring financial tranquility.
O que é Direito Previdenciário?
O Direito Previdenciário é o ramo do Direito responsável por assegurar a proteção social prevista na Constituição Federal, por meio do sistema de Previdência Social. Ele regula a concessão de benefícios como aposentadorias, auxílio-doença, pensão por morte, entre outros. Esses benefícios têm o objetivo de substituir a renda do trabalhador em situações como idade avançada, doença, invalidez ou falecimento.
A Previdência Social é sustentada pelo regime de contribuição obrigatória para trabalhadores formais e facultativa para autônomos e pessoas sem vínculo empregatício, como donas de casa ou estudantes.
Social Security Law
Marinho & Wiltshire offers its clients qualified legal advice on social security issues. The team has vast technical knowledge to quickly and effectively solve the needs of our partners, in order to contribute in the best plan, thus ensuring financial tranquility.
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Social Security Law
Marinho & Wiltshire offers its clients qualified legal advice on social security issues. The team has vast technical knowledge to quickly and effectively solve the needs of our partners, in order to contribute in the best plan, thus ensuring financial tranquility.
Fale com quem tem experiência.
Social Security Law
Legal due diligence in the area of public welfare;
Representation in administrative and judicial proceedings involving private pension plans and their directors;
Representation in legal proceedings, linked to the
requirement of social contributions from the employer, for the cost of social security; -
Legal advice in the area of social security;
Representation in court in labor claims involving issues related to public pension
Review of aid granted by the INSS to its
insured -
Monitoring of current legislation to offer the best time of entry for your benefit